If anyone could make a story about Instagram influencers not only readable but compulsively so, I should have known that it'd be Alison: I've been a fan since we first connected back in the MySpace days, TRASHED being my first foray into her narrative mind and, with BAD INFLUENCE, the first of her (hopefully many) continuations of Robert B. Parker's Sunny Randall stories, she not only renders an accurate depiction of Boston (I lived there for 10 years and her evocation of it made me feel back “home” (read: the home that’s more home than the home of my first 18 years) – though I was perplexed by how easy it was for her characters to find parking; the true fictional license of the story, I suppose) but manages – thanks to her unmatched ability to craft an emotional honesty for each character, no matter how small their role – something that only the best writers can pull off: she makes Parker’s creations wholly her own. Highly recommended.