Nu-Sanctum update

NuSanctum (formerly NuShed) progress continues apace: took a step back and put everything in something resembling its final placement (from the cacophony of its previous week) to figure out what to do next. Eaves are done and doored up; ceiling tile and metal sheets in place (still in fine-tuning progress, though); nearly finished with the shiplapping - though, thanks to my local large hardware store being out of the kind I was using (because I bought it all), I resorted to pre-painted at another large hardware store, just to make some semblance of progress on the walls (thankfully, it'll be fine, since we'd already decided the walls themselves will be black throughout). No clue when my solar folk will return to do the rest of their part. Soon, I hope: getting sick of extension cords.

int. shed with shiplapped walls and saws and metal and such