Figured out why Eggers's take on NOSFERATU left me wanting: the story was already told so perfectly in Murnau's version – sans dialogue and fleshing out / expansion of the story – that nothing Eggers brought to it wasn't already there, lurking below the surface and captured by Murnau and the original players. Don't get me wrong: still loved Eggers's interpretation – though I was felt that I was watching more an effective homage than a bold new take; had I not seen Murnau's film so many times – indeed, been raised on it –, I might hold a different opinion.
NOSFERATU (2024) trailer 2
Merry Christmas…
I haven’t looked this forward to Christmas since the Super Nintendo came out.
NOSFERATU (2024) teaser
Cannot. Wait.
Willem Dafoe, “crazy vampire hunter”
Dafoe channeling a bit of Lon Chaney in LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT here? All I want for Christmas is next Christmas so I can finally see this film (Eggers’s NOSFERATU, though I would totally camp out for the midnight premiere of WILLEM DAFOE, CRAZY VAMPIRE HUNTER):
🔗 Willem Dafoe debuts as a 'crazy vampire hunter' in Nosferatu sneak peek (via Entertainment Weekly)
Eggers’s NOSFERATU - first image
Definitely nails the feel of Murnau’s original. Love that, according to Eggers, “It’s even more Ellen’s story than previous versions.” Can’t wait for this.
Bill Sienkiewicz | Insta