Third day now with the Vari Active Seat and I'm getting the hang of it. Only nit is that I wish it had wheels so I could scoot around the expanse of desk a bit without having to to pick it up and move it around but hey: neither back nor butt are raging at me so I'll take the win. Hanging on to my UpLift office chair, but with the addition of Orangina to the Paintshop, I needed something that took up a little less real estate – because Orangina isn't going anywhere – and gave me room to do my standard pacing and wandering.

Trying out a new way to log Inputs - especially movies and books - something less involved than writing small pieces about them, but still useful for both of us. Simple star system, *****+ / ***** being the soul-shaking best, *- / ***** the shitheap worst (though I doubt I’d stick with anything lower than a **) in the title field, poster / cover underneath. Simple, simple - and, if I want to write more, I can write individual pieces when the mood strikes (or write them in the newsletter).

As I've been experimenting with adding a third reading section to the day (basically, post-breakfast, lunch, and dinner), I'm finally using my Kindle for something other than hospital visits and waiting room time-slaying via short stories: reading non-fiction (currently, Cal Newport's latest, SLOW PRODUCTIVITY). Whereas I previously penciled up books with brackets and an overabundance of illegible scrawls that I'd hate myself for never reviewing, now I can read, highlight and, when I'm done, send the highlights to myself and put them in Obsidian. While fiction (except short stories) will remain corporeal-exclusive, it's not unlikely that non-fic will switch to digital-only - though if I want it on my shelf, I'll buy a physical version later.